Accommodations Guide

I get asked all the time to provide input regarding what accommodations are appropriate. To answer that, I often refer back to the parent who knows the child best. I know kids on paper. I make recommendations based on experience and they work. However, it's vital to understand that each child needs a unique combination of offerings to meet their unique needs. 

That being said, there are "common" items that tend to show up on documents for students who qualify under certain disabilities. I find it most helpful to organize accommodations into categories so school staff can easily determine how and when to ensure accommodation are successfully accessed. Some of these categories could be: Presentation, Setting, Response, and Timing. Not all accommodations will fit into these categories, so an OTHER category may also be helpful.

Keep in mind you want to keep accommodations general enough to be transferred to a new environment if needed. Schools are instructed to compose documents so that transfer to another district (or even state) can be done easily and in a way that a new team can pick up where the prior team left off. 

IEPs and 504s are fluid documents. While annual reviews are scheduled, you can call for a meeting at any time. What works when you outline accommodations at the annual meeting may not work for the whole year. I encourage you to keep the dialogue open-- request accommodation logs to really understand their usefulness and to ensure they are being implemented consistently. 

I have compiled a document of common accommodations for frequently occurring learning challenges. These are by NO means exhaustive lists, but rather a place to get you started. I know Googling for lists of accommodations is overwhelming. It can be helpful, but not always effective. 

The file will be updated, so please check back periodically as you need to adjust needed accommodations for your child. 

Accommodations Guide