You are here because someone you care about needs more that what they are currently receiving in their current academic placement. I would be honored to assist you however you need.

Children do not always fit nicely into the boxes of our educational system. Every child deserves the chance to succeed. My passion is helping others find how their children can be equipped for success in every area of their education.

Let’s start a dialogue. Let’s take action together.

Free Consultation
Send me a message, and let’s start the conversation .
Get Organized
Walk into your child’s IEP ready and equipped
for success!
IEP / 504 Package
Let’s create a plan that works best for your needs.

Part 1: Recognizing What Gets in Our Way
Part 2: Communication is the Key
Part 3: Say What? A Guide to Informed Advocacy

In each section, we provide information and give you the opportunity to work through the questions or exercises that help activate the material. Consider this your toolbox. Once you have worked through this booklet, you will be able to think and behave more strategically.